Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A little about me.

Here are a couple insights into my stunning personality that I think you all should know.
I like to eat, so if someone was looking to teach me a few tricks, bribe me with a treat and I am all yours.
I take the stairs like a pro. Don't worry about my old injury there are no problems here. At first I liked to go a little fast down the stairs, but now I am an expert and have slowed down and under control.
I almost always like to play fetch. You can throw a stuffie out in the yard and I will bring it back to you to throw again. Don't worry, I won't make your arm sore or anything, about 5-6 times in a row and then I am pooped.
When I am really excited I jump. Some people find this adorable, I just jump up and down a couple of times to let you know how thrilled I am.
I like car rides. I don't whine or get sick or anything like that. I often just lay down and let you chauffeur me around.
Last thing is I enjoy going for walks, in fact here is a picture of me on one.

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