Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A little about me.

Here are a couple insights into my stunning personality that I think you all should know.
I like to eat, so if someone was looking to teach me a few tricks, bribe me with a treat and I am all yours.
I take the stairs like a pro. Don't worry about my old injury there are no problems here. At first I liked to go a little fast down the stairs, but now I am an expert and have slowed down and under control.
I almost always like to play fetch. You can throw a stuffie out in the yard and I will bring it back to you to throw again. Don't worry, I won't make your arm sore or anything, about 5-6 times in a row and then I am pooped.
When I am really excited I jump. Some people find this adorable, I just jump up and down a couple of times to let you know how thrilled I am.
I like car rides. I don't whine or get sick or anything like that. I often just lay down and let you chauffeur me around.
Last thing is I enjoy going for walks, in fact here is a picture of me on one.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'll be back at Borders

Here are a couple of pics of me (in the red muzzle) and my foster sister Neko running in the park. She always likes to get in front and turn around barking until someone chases her. It's hard to tell but in the third pic she is the one chasing me. Just look at those curls in the tails we are having such a good time.
I will be at Borders in Franklin tomorrow from 2-5 just waiting for some belly rubs while my foster mom wraps presents. See ya there.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What a day

I just wanted to tell you all about the exciting day we had yesterday. First of all we got all bundled up and went to Leipers Fork. There I got to walk in my first parade. There were all kinds of sights, smells, and sounds. There were a lot of people there and my foster mom thinks I did alright. I am nothing like my foster brother and sister who really wanted to be "friends" with the horse that was in front of us. After that we were on to Borders in Franklin where I meeted and greeted all of the people there. I was a bit tired so my fans had to really bend over the x-pen to rub my belly. Hey what can you expect I had been on my feet all day. I will have to check my schedule and get back with everyone about my upcoming appearances.